
Collaborations with Schools in NA

We are shaping the future by teaching students about manufacturing and engaging with the community.

The Welser Profile pre-apprenticeship program

With the focus on schools and exploring opportunities within the community, Welser Profile North America is making a statement. In addition to tours for teachers and students through the company, Welser Profile informs about its innovative internship and pre-apprenticeship program.

This program, conducted for the first time, has already admitted three students from local schools in the first round, to provide them with practical skills alongside their education. 


Furthermore, Welser Profile North America is pleased to collaborate with the "The Beat", a program of the Brunswick City School District. This program encourages young minds to critically question topics and not only explore but also develop and improve their journalism skills.

The encounter of Charlie Pistone (Brunswick Middle School 6th grade, Beat reporter) and Julia Norby (Pre-Apprentice in Tool & Die at Welser Profile North America) brings forth a completely new and exciting perspective:

Charlie Pistone writes in her article:

“Julia Norby is in the Engineering Technology and Design senior class at the Career Center in Medina. Through this program Norby has been able to work with a company named Welser Profile which manufactures steel tubes and profiles. Norby is in the Tool and Die department of the company as an intern, she is learning how the tools work and how to fix certain parts.

Norby became an intern at Welser by going to the annual job fair in spring at the Medina County Career Center. When she went, she remembered Welser being there the year before, this year she wanted to get more work experience and her lab instructor finally pushed her to join Welser and become an intern there. Now that Norby is working with Welser she said, “It has been good, I’ve enjoyed every bit of it. Everyone is friendly and able to offer advice or words of encouragement.” Since she has had such a wonderful experience so far, she is training to be part of the future generations of Welser Profile.

Norby has had the opportunity to gain experience in the workforce and gain knowledge in different areas such as Tool and Die mainly but has learned about the HR department as well. As Norby has continued with Welser she has mentioned multiple things she enjoys doing there but she said, “My favorite part of my involvement is getting to help change the stereotypical view of manufacturing that it is gross and dirty and teach future generations that this type of work is fun and innovative.”
